Full farm business budgets can be produced for 1 to 5 years
with the flexibility to enter data on an enterprise by enterprise basis.
Enterprises can be edited to include as many or as little enterprise specific details allowing the user flexibility to create bespoke reporting. The programme offers a comprehensive range of reports:
- Individual enterprise gross margin reports
- Profit and loss report
- Cashflow
- Balance sheet
- Flow of funds
- Loan and asset summaries
Many of the reports are available in detailed format, reporting individual income and cost categories or as brief reports that summarise costs and income under broad headings. The detailed enterprise gross margin reports will report £/head, £/litre and £/hectare as applicable, as well as full financial values.
Report packs
All reports can be printed off individually or within a bespoke report pack which encompasses the whole range of reports ideal to support management decisions and investor lending. Standard report packs are also available, giving a budget summary or more comprehensive details.